Friday, June 16, 2017

Getting Down & Dirty With the Truth

In the midst of all that happened Wednesday, one thing stood out for me. Not the shootings at the ball field or in San Francisco because hatred projected through bullets and bombs is becoming commonplace. What struck me is that President Trump said that the proposed GOP Healthcare Bill was "mean". That is a new conversation for him. The bill has been mean from the get-go, throughout his support of it. But honest, rational, compassionate feedback about it now from him? Even if it's to cover for a potential defeat of the bill, it was refreshing to hear our seemingly 24/7 mean-spirited president say something honest and compassionate.

I have not been a political fan of Trump. In fact, my ego has railed against him, however, I am seeing why it is appropriate that he is in office now. There is no difference in Truth, Reality or Conscious Effect between the words and manner of someone who says "I hate people like that because of their race, beliefs, gender, sexuality, etc. and someone who says, "I hate people who think and act that way." Oh, yes in society and the world there certainly is a difference where the rules are painstakingly clear. But in Truth what is being projected by both from WITHIN to without is intolerance toward the other. And intolerance backed by education, sensibility or any other good intention, still has mostly one effect ... separation.

Trump represents millions of voices whose opinions and ways may appear to be coarse, selfish, impersonal and even cruel to violent. And many of these people with these voices have been ignored or denigrated through isolation and PC shaming. Yet these characteristics are ones we all know too well, whether by affirming & projecting them, turning away and burying them inside or courageously facing and passing through their blustering messages.

We are now at a time where shootings, bombings, killings and other violence has escalated to an often multiple times daily occurrence. And believe me, without a transcendent change of course, it's going to get worse. A lot worse.

And still supposedly sane, intelligent people keep shouting out the repetitive bullshit that we will not tolerate any more of this from "them" as if that's a plan tried over millenniums of human experience that has ever worked.

Well, "them" has got to turn into a conversation about "us" through the willingness to believe that it's not what someone believes, but who they are that matters. And if it takes wrestling together through a mountain of what we don't agree about to get to the heart of who we are, rather than who we think we should be, well, then that's the new Plan B. And yes, no matter how seemingly ugly, inappropriate or unacceptable the package containing you and me is, it's a sane course. In fact, the more we are together, disagreeing about the worldly stuff, the better the chances are we will both desire to see what we can agree on--the heartfelt stuff. Could there be a cost to this? Yes. Some have participated even unto death, but look around friends, death is already in full play.

"But Dale, this seems like pie-in-the-sky thinking."

Well, We aren't going to be able to contain or sustain these global levels of increasing isolation, hatred and pain. Look around you. We aren't communicating and we're getting more and more vulnerably unavailable through our technologies. We either work together towards healing through outrageously open models or we drown in the tidal wave of increasing separation & denial--which will then force collapse, thus stripping and empowering us to work together in outrageously open ways towards healing. Because there are no laws, law enforcement, noble expectations, magical thinking, social actions or societal pressures that will influence us to abandon our prejudices. We let go when we see the necessity to do so and the Universe will help us through inspiration and by bringing to bear the escalating cost of our maintaining the status quo.

So President Trump said something seemingly true and compassionate, i.e. that a plan to take away health care benefits from millions who most need it, is mean spirited.

Here is where it begins for me. In spite of all the resistance I have felt for you, Donald Trump, I accept you as our president because I am a committed part of the whole who, like it or not, has brought you into leadership.

Thank you for saying something real and objectively compassionate. I applaud you and hope that you will follow through with more honesty and compassion. Yes, I know you feel you need to fervently support the interests of those who elected you, but you also represent me and those who didn't elect you. As a representative of the latter, I will do my best to see you in the light of your Spirit, not just your personality flaws and political intentions, with faith that Spirit knows what It is doing through you (as It does in all of us). Again, thank you for standing up (if only in words) for those who need your support. It is a part of you that I and many others can appreciate and support.

The bottom line is that love is love and it heals. And prejudice is prejudice, which poisons, even when it's used for noble reasons.

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