Friday, February 3, 2017

Truth Talks and Bullshit Walks

I have to say, the words spiritual practice hold little meaning for me anymore. They've become a cliche--something beyond the norm that a person does to either get what they want or make them feel special about missing out on it. More deviously it's a form of magical thinking that covets unique worthiness unto spiritual reward for thinking and behavior that is prejudicial, repetitive and superstitious. Throw in a miracle, the Divine Lotto for the chosen and that mostly covers it.

So when the old argument comes up, "Yes I believe in Spirit but, God needs our help to rectify the wrongs, change what we fear, etc. ...", PUH-LEASE! God doesn't need anything from us other than our nature--the love which is ultimately required to keep the peace. In fact, it's our intentions and subsequent actions that appear to keep stirring the pot and surprisingly enough throughout the history of pro-active human watch-dogging, the Order of the Universe amazingly keeps holding serve.

For existence is simply a state of mind, not a fixed reality and its condition is how we choose to make/see/form it. It doesn't change us, it changes with who we think we are and are willing to express.

Trending for some time has been the Law of Attraction, aka The Secret, The Law of Visualization, etc. Some eighty years ago, the author Napoleon Hill rose to fame by distilling it into a formula. "What the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve." In my tradition of ministry it's known as the Law of Mind-Action: Thoughts held in Mind, produce after their kind. Or in other words: What you you see (in your mind) is what you get (in your experience).

This is the fundamental law of existence, i.e. of how each soul's world comes to appear. For conception and belief linked to will (as Captain Picard would say) "make it so." And no one is held hostage to another's thoughts or actions, unless they make the idea their own and even then, they still retain the power to release it.

How can you say that Dale? People have been victimizing others throughout history? Are you saying that people can't take away our freedom, our power, our lives unless we let them?

Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. Others can only appear to take away that to which we're attached. Now if you believe, as many do, that you are the person, the body, the circumstances and the drama that can affect and be effected by all of these, then I can see how my statement could seem absurd. However, to avoid these absurd truths and continue making it so, you have to ignore a whole universe of conflicting evidence.

Like God, Order or whatever you want to call It. If you think there is no such Order, fine. Just tell us convincingly, how the human body with all its intricacies from blood flow to neural response, brain, heart and all other organs and the interconnected systems that succeed in animating and renewing the body, tell us how this came about and continues. Our spiritual-psycho-biology just showed up, a fluke of existence? Or how supported upon this planet, we can assert the truth of our thoughts and actions while taking for granted that the earth somehow consistently rotates on its axis, orbiting a star 93 million miles away at such a distance, that moderate radiation keeps a tight temperature range that neither freezes nor incinerates us and our plans. Just lucky huh?

So if this is your position, then well, you've got me. Because if my explanation is a whopper, yours is the whopper of all whoppers--ridiculously ruling out the Real possibility of a Higher Order based on whims of doubt in the face of mountainously uninvestigated mysteries?

Each soul is the full channel of manifestation, at one with the energy that moves in and through its whole sphere of witness and beyond, seemingly limited only by the perception and judgment as to what one is experiencing. This includes all form including our bodies, our experiences, our minds and our world. We see what we want to see, what we're accustomed to seeing, what we're used to believing in and holding onto. And we are pressured by those invested in the illusion to keep maintaining it at all cost.

These false ideas that we communally share are the thoughts that produce after their kind. For example, "We won't stand for incivility." Well, incivility exists because people believe in it--fer it or agin it, as well as in the rules and reactions each deem appropriate for dealing with it. And whether one resists or embraces incivility all that ever changes is our adjustment to incivility while its being acted out, repulsed or lying in waiting.

Ideas produce after their kind. They don't stop when we resist them because to resist them is to engage them. They stop reproducing when the idea is no longer tenable, believable, i.e. not existing in the MIND of the person who once held it. What would a world without incivility look like? Possibly spontaneously uncertain, loving, wild, uncomfortable, unpredictable and alive, just for starters. Instead of reacting from script to address behavior that appears uncivil, people might be exploring the thoughts, feelings and behaviors that come up from beyond the norm of dealing with it. In other words, we'd be like small children bouncing off each other on the playground. They have a lot of fun doing that.

If there is spiritual practice, for me it's thinking-outside-the box while committed to a Faith in ORDER at work in and around me. Trusting that what makes my heart beat and keeps the sun shining is the same Force that keeps the Real Eternal Me mysteriously on course as well. Jesus called this process forgiveness (the no-harm, no-foul kind), the precursor of healing. It's also known as Grace, the Order which unerringly guides, insures and awakens us.

So to wrap up, when others rally to move the furniture in order to better the world, defeat the bad guy or entertain self and the masses, I'm all in. It's good theater and can bring us closer.

But when we let our stories limit who we allow ourselves and the nature of others to be, then I'm staying put in my front row seat to simply watch the show. I return as Divinely called but neither as victim or warrior. I am the Light-Bearer who has the power and authority to forgive, have faith, court bewilderment and release less-than for exploring more. And you can join me if you so choose, or don't. Either way it's completely safe. It's just that insanity produces more of its kind as does love/acceptance too. And we tend to kick against the pricks until we know of and how to flow. The only sane choice then, becomes letting it all go.

Nazruddin was searching around the front yard of his house all morning and well into the afternoon.
His wife came out and said, "Mullah, what are you doing?"
"Looking for my keys." he replied.
"But you've been out there for hours. Don't you remember where you left them?" she inquired.
Nazruddin said, "Oh yes, I know where I lost them. Somewhere in my room."
Shaking her head she shouted, "Then why are you looking for them out in the front yard you crazy man?"
"The light's better."


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